January Committed Club

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
January Committed Club

Recreaters are bursting in to the new year with energy, strength and commitment to their health and fitness! Many have set new goals for the new year, and are already chipping away at crushing them entirely. Congratulations to the 25 members who made the list this month!

Missy J.29Jim H.28Elizabeth H.28Carolyn S.27Lori H.25Ella P.24Morgan M.23Nikki Z.23Woodson W.23Will M.22Sherry A.22Kim P.21Mauren M.21Kara P.21Marcie H.21Patty M.20Zoe Z.20Tricia M.20Brittney L.20Ted Z.20Stephanie S.19Chris P.18Carolyn W.18Sara A.18Darcie P.17

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