July 2018

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
July 2018

July 2018

You all are sizzlin' this summer!! Must be that 'beach bod' motivation in the air! In June we had 14 Committed Club members, and in July we've topped that with 17!!! And again, several more who were creeping on the edge of getting 17 check ins. I spy some new names on the list this month as well!With a new class option in August (Monday/Friday at 6:15AM), we expect to see CC membership on the up and up!! Thanks for choosing CFR and helping make this a fun and motivating community for all.Allie C.24Eliza D.24Matt D.23Nikki Z.22Shawn C.22Kara P.21Kyle S.21Chloe E.19Phillip M.19Trevor G.19Kim P.18Marcie H.18Amanda M.17Angela S.17Hannah M.17Jim H.17Matthew M.17

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