March Committed Club

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
March Committed Club

March came in like a lion at CFR! This month's committed members numbered 28 individuals, many of whom have been making the count on a regular basis, and it shows! We are proud of the hard work and progress they have all shown! Keep up the good work, all!

Elizabeth H.31Missy J.30Jim H.29Sherry A.28Ainsley P.26Lori H.25Kara P.25Marcie H.25Nikki Z.24Tricia M.23Brittney L.23Ted Z.23Matt M.22Carolyn S.22Tricia B.23Stephanie S.19John D.19Will M.19Phillip M.19Darcie P.18Abigail H.18Alex M.17Kim P.17Woodson W.17Heather P.17Andy C.17Steven S.17Arthur S.17

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