Athlete Spotlight: June 2021

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
Athlete Spotlight: June 2021

Each month we highlight a different CFR member using our “Athlete Spotlight,” where we will ask a series of “get to know you” questions. This will help introduce you to the members of our community that you have yet to meet, OR If you have met them, teach you a little more about them! You might just find out something new or something you have in common! 

June's “Athlete Spotlight” is Ainsley! Ainsely started with us in our KidsFit Program back in 2017! It's pretty amazing to watch this generation grow up before our eyes. From the fun kids program, to personal training and specialty clinics, to Teen Strength and Conditioning, and now Weightlifting meets and CrossFit classes- Ainsley has been thru it all at CFR! She's a joy to be around and always brings a positive attitude to classes. We're so glad you love CrossFit Recreate, and CrossFit Recreate loves you! And we still have another 3 years (at least) to watch you flourish in our gym!

Ainsley Plant

Tell us a little about yourself (background, family, work, etc):  

"I am 15 years old and will be in 10th grade at Butler Area High School in the fall."

What activities/sports are you involved in and when/why did you join CF Recreate?

"I wanted to join CFR to be more active and improve on my strength and stamina for some of the other sports I play.  Very quickly CrossFit became my favorite thing to do!  I am currently a member of the Butler Girl’s Golf team. I also earned my Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do."

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit/CFR?

"My favorite thing about CFR is the PEOPLE!  Everyone is super supportive and positive!"

What is your favorite WOD/movement and your least favorite WOD/movement?

"My favorite movement is anything with a BARBELL, especially the snatch and clean and jerk.  I don’t love running, but I’m working on it."

You recently got into the sport of Weightlifting- tell us about preparing for and executing your first meet:  

"I participated in a USA Weightlifting this May.  I signed up for the Olympic Lifting Clinic at CFR and continued to personal train with Coach Ryan and Coach Morgan.  I was definitely nervous going into an unknown situation, but it was so much FUN!  I love the physical challenge!"

As a young athlete, what or who is your motivation/inspiration in your athletic pursuits?

"I always find motivation and inspiration from my parents, coaches and all the athletes at CFR!"

Any advice for “newbies” & those looking to try CrossFit or Weightlifting?

"Get out of your “comfort zone” and try it!"

Proudest CrossFit accomplishment(s) so far?

"My proudest accomplishment recently has been completing my first “Murph!"

What are your fitness goals for this year?

"I would like to continue to train for another USA Weightlifting Meet.  I’d love to string together some T2B and Kipping handstand push-ups."

Ainsley has grown so much over these last 4 years. She's a great leader and role model to the others around her at Teen Strength and Conditioning, embracing new members and making them feel welcome (just like her mom!). We also hear that she has seen some serious gains in her golf game since she began CrossFit! Ainsley has a bright future in whatever she puts her mind to, be it athletically or academically. Keep working hard and shining bright!

Eager to learn more about our awesome members? Be on the lookout for next month’s Athlete Spotlight!

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