October Committed Club

CrossFit Recreate
June 23, 2022
October Committed Club

October's Committed Club continues to show splendidly consistent numbers from our members! So proud of the drive and steady work put in by all of our members, especially this month's club members! Well done, all!

Lori H.27Ella P.27Jim H.26Nikki Z.25Woodson W.25Kim P.24Elizabeth H.24Tim M.23Patty M.23Brittney L.23Missy J.23Kara P.23Sherry A.23Tricia B.21Will M.21Stephanie S.20Abigail H.20Ted Z.20Cole P.20Tara P.20Angela S.19Artie S.19Carolyn W.18John D.18Lisa S.18Phillip M.18Chris P.17Marcie H.17

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